Collective Worship 6.3.23

Mrs Church told the story of Jeremiah, an important Old Testament prophet, who was given a very difficult choice: stop telling people about God or else go to prison or even get hurt. What would you do? 

Children voted: Jeremiah should show Courage and Perseverance and continue to do what he believed was right, even though it was dangerous.

And that is exactly what Jeremiah did.

Mrs Church interviewed teachers and children with these three questions:

  1. From 1-10, how much do you think you persevere?
  2. Can you remember a time when you persevered and it had an impact on you or somebody else?
  3. What are you persevering with right now?

Mrs King has persevered in learning about her ancestry. Noah persevered in a tough football match. Daniil has persevered to learn six languages. (SIX!) How about you?

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