We are a Church School
Salhouse CofE Primary is a Church school. We are part of a large collection of schools within the Diocese of Norwich.
The Diocese of Norwich is the Church of England across the areas of Norfolk and Waveney – a Christian presence serving every community through a family of 650 churches and 110 schools and academies; together ‘Committed to Growth’.
You can learn more about what it means to be a Church of England School at dioceseofnorwich.org/schools
National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Report
Collective Worship
Salhouse CofE Primary School practises Collective Worship. Collective worship is, at its best, an exemplification of the vision and ethos of the school. It is viewed as an integral part of school life and has a high value to all in the community. It is an opportunity to foster a sense of personal and collective spirituality and makes a major contribution to the development of strong Christian values.
Worship reflects the character of individual schools, but there are common ingredients to all.
How many times should we forgive?
In today’s Collective Worship, Reverend Darleen talked about yellow and red cards from football: two strikes and you’re out of the game! But in our own lives, how many times should we forgive when people do wrong? How many strikes until we are out? She told the story from the Bible in which Jesus asks this question. Eager to get the right answer, Peter said “Seven times”. But Jesus replied that it should be “Seventy times seven” (490!). We talked about how this is not to be taken literally but means that we should forgive ALWAYS. This is not an easy thing we are being asked to do! We’ll be talking a lot more about persevering when things are difficult this half-term. Florence H closed our worship with a prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for all the good things we do at school. Let our bodies get everything they need to grow big and strong so we can help others.

The Pharisee and Tax Collector
All Saints Church
This is All Saints Church in Salhouse

We love the days when we visit the church. The whole school walks in a long snake across the fields between our school and the church. You can find out more about our church by clicking here.
The Reverend Darleen Plattin is a good friend to our school. We like it when she spends time with us.