Reverend Darleen Collective Worship

Did you know there are 11,000 known species of grasshoppers? And that grasshoppers can leap 20 times their body length? That means a 3cm grasshopper can jump an incredible 60cm.

Today Reverend Darleen told one of the many stories from the eventful life of Moses. After leading his people out of captivity in Egypt, Moses sent some followers to scout out the Promised Land. When they saw the powerful peoples who lived there, the followers felt like they were grasshoppers – powerless, weak and certain to be defeated and sent packing. Some even thought about returning to Egypt! But Moses held unwavering trust in God and encouraged his followers to do the same. If God could defeat the mighty Egyptian empire and bring the Israelites this far, then He could lead them – with Moses’ leadership on the ground – to the Promised Land, no matter how frightening it seemed.

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