Pupil Premium

Q: What is the Pupil Premium?

A: The Pupil Premium is a grant allocated to schools in addition to the main school budget. It is awarded on the basis of the number of children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). The funding is seen by the Government as a way to address the current inequalities between children eligible for FSM and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. Looked After Children face additional barriers to reaching their potential and so these children too will receive a premium.

‘It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools for FSM pupil, is spent, since they are the best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility’ (source: Department for Education website)

As you see schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see best. However, we are still held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families.

New measures are included in performance tables that will capture the achievement of those pupils covered by the Pupil Premium.

Q:Who makes sure the money is well spent?

A: The Pupil Premium Governor, Graham Johnston and the Executive Head, Julie Church together with the Head of School, Laura Davies and the SENCo, Choo Chean Laband meet to check Pupil Premium pupil progress & ensure that the Pupil Premium allocation for our school is being spent efficiently. The Executive Headteacher and teachers meet regularly to discuss the progress of pupil premium pupils and adjusts the school’s strategy as appropriate.

Q: Could my child be eligible for Pupil Premium?

If you are wondering whether your child could be eligible for the Pupil Premium grant, please take a look at the link below or contact the school office for advice.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23

Pupil Premium Impact Evaluation 2021-22

Catch Up Funding 2021 Salhouse

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