Collective Worship – Perseverance

Today Mrs Sonnex told the incredible story of basketball legend Michael Jordan and how his rise to greatness began as a child with the dedication, determination and – this half-term’s Christian value – perseverance he put into his training. Perseverance means trying and trying and trying again. The book shows how our mistakes, slip-ups and unsuccessful attempts are merely stepping stones on the path to greatness. Salt In His Shoes is definitely a recommended book!

Herons Church Visit

To complete our RE unit on the Big Question “What does it mean if God is loving and holy?”, Herons walked up to All Saints Church to explore and reflect.

We began this unit thinking about the staggering number of people in the world today who have a religious faith – 2.6 billion Christians and 2 billion Muslims. Then we zoomed in on the Christian religion and looked briefly at the huge variety of beliefs and practices all within the same religion. We noted that, despite all of their differences, one key concept that unites all Christians is the idea of a God who is both holy (divine; perfect; separate from and ‘above’ us) and loving. And if God is both holy and loving, then Christians feel a duty to worship. This beautiful church in our village, with its magnificent architecture, is itself an act of worship designed to glory in a holy and loving God. We finished our visit with a rehearsal of Silent Night/Stille Nacht to hear the beautiful acoustics in the church.

Reverend Darleen Collective Worship

Did you know there are 11,000 known species of grasshoppers? And that grasshoppers can leap 20 times their body length? That means a 3cm grasshopper can jump an incredible 60cm.

Today Reverend Darleen told one of the many stories from the eventful life of Moses. After leading his people out of captivity in Egypt, Moses sent some followers to scout out the Promised Land. When they saw the powerful peoples who lived there, the followers felt like they were grasshoppers – powerless, weak and certain to be defeated and sent packing. Some even thought about returning to Egypt! But Moses held unwavering trust in God and encouraged his followers to do the same. If God could defeat the mighty Egyptian empire and bring the Israelites this far, then He could lead them – with Moses’ leadership on the ground – to the Promised Land, no matter how frightening it seemed.

Norwich Cathedral Visit

Earlier this term the Bitterns class were lucky enough to visit Norwich Cathedral. Our visit supported our learning about the Christan creation story. We were fortunate to listen to stories from the bible, take part in activities centered around creation and be able to ask our hosts many questions. We had great fun looking around the cathedral on what was many of the children’s first visit. The beautiful setting was very inspiring and it led to many moments of awe and wonder for all.

Collective worship – special guest visitor

Coots were excited to have Helibob, East Anglia’s Air Ambulance mascot visit our collective worship. The children had a go at answering the questions in the quiz and met Helibob. 

Grebes RE – What is the Trinity?

What better way to kick off this RE unit than by covering the playground in graffiti? Children explored the many names Christians have used for the three aspects of God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). 

God the Father: Creator, Holy, Almighty, Fortress, Rock, King

God the Son: Saviour, Human, Rabbi (Teacher), Prince of Peace, Shepherd, Prophet, God ‘in the flesh’

God the Holy Spirit: Wind, Fire, Breath, Dove, Water, Comforter

Noah’s Ark

In RE our focus has been Noah’s ark with year 1 adding to previous knowledge by writing and sequencing events. Reception have been working on cutting skills and counting 2 of different animals. 

Coronation Medals

Coronation medals awarded to every child by Salhouse Parish Council and class picnic to celebrate King Charles III. 

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