Reception Letter 1st Sept 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

A very warm welcome to our Reception families. We hope that you have an enjoyable summer and will be refreshed and ready to join us for the Autumn term. Here’s some useful information for the year ahead.

Arriving at school – At the beginning of each day please leave your child at the gate near Coots classroom. Your child only needs to bring a coat, water bottle and wellies on their first day. You may see our year one children with book-bags, but we won’t need these in Reception yet.  Reception are in school 9-11 on Tuesday 6th, 8:45-12 on Wednesday, 8:45-1 on Thursday, and then all day from Friday 9th.

Lunches â€“ We offer a wide menu from which your child can choose their lunch as part of the morning register.  If you prefer, your child can choose to bring a packed lunch, or you can select their choice for them, in advance,  via the Pupil Asset app. It is perfectly fine to swap choices from day to day across the week.

PE – Our weekly PE lessons are normally on a Tuesday, so please make sure your child is wearing their PE kit to school. PE is usually outside, so black joggers, or shorts in warmer weather, and a hoodie or sweatshirt will be great, with trainers rather than plimsolls. Please name everything! Thank you so much.

Handwriting – We introduce pre-cursive handwriting from the beginning of the year. You will hear your child talk about whooshes in and whooshes out. As the year goes on we hope that your child will begin to join their handwriting, in the style known as cursive handwriting. If you need any help with this, please ask.

Home time â€“ At the end of the day we will bring your child to the gate next to Coots class. Please let us know if someone else is collecting your child or if they are going to after-school club.

Tapestry – We will be using tapestry to document your child’s learning this year. We would love to see what your child gets up to at home on here, too.

And finally…

We really hope your child will enjoy a fantastic Reception year. Please ask us if you have any questions at all about what is happening in Coots.  Thank you for your support and interest.

Mrs Sims
Coots Teacher
Neatishead,  Salhouse & Fleggburgh Federation

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