Herons Science

This term, Herons Year 5/6 have been investigating different materials and their properties. Here, the children are devising their own investigation into the hardness of different materials. As part of this line of scientific enquiry, Herons discussed and wrote down how to conduct a fair test, what the variables and constants would be and how they could both show and explain/interpret their results in their written work. Can you spot all of the materials used? 

Wind Energy Museum Trip

On our trip to the Wind Energy museum, we experimented with changing the number of blades to generate electricity from a wind turbine; tried out alternative power – elastic bands to turn blades to run cars and wind power to fly kites.

Herons Science

We have been exploring pre- history to find out about how the fossil record millions of years ago can explain changes in climate and evolution.

We have made our own fossils from by casting plaster of paris in moulds of seashells pressed into clay.

We had to be paleantologists and “dig out” the fossils we had made from the clay using tools and toothbrushes!

We have investigated different rock characteristics- some rocks are permeable and absorb water.

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