‘Jump Rope for Heart’ Event

The children at Salhouse School all took part in the British Heart Foundation ‘Jump rope for heart’. As part of this, the Heart Foundation sent the school a set of skipping ropes which the children have been using at lunch and break times. They planned their own ‘skipping day’ and collected sponsors from friends and family. The school raised nearly £500 for the Heart Foundation.

Music Assembly

We held a music assembly in which children who are learning to play an instrument performed. It was fantastic to see the amount of talent in the school. Everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed the performances.

Mental Maths “Bootcamp”


This is a very useful website which consists of 15 days of interactive mental maths tests, complete with marking and answers so children can review their work.

This will provide excellent homework practice in the run-up to SATs tests and we ask that you encourage your child to spend a few minutes each day if possible working on this website.

Assemblies Autumn 2013

School council leaders co ordinate the filling of the shoe boxes to send to Eastern Europe.

School council leaders co ordinate the filling of the shoe boxes to send to Eastern Europe

Every fortnight, the vicar brings a team of people to help her present Open the Book assemblies involving bible stories and a lot of audience participation.

IMGP0692 Every fortnight, the vicar bris a team of people to help her present Open the Book assemblies involving bible stories and a lot of audience participation.


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