Maypole Dancing

Mrs Edwards teaches Maypole Dancing at lunchtimes in the summer, leading to performances/displays at local fetes.

Whole School Events Spring 2013

Children worked in mixed age classes, and were joined by Neatishead Primary for the day.  They explored the theme of “accidental discoveries” which included making lemonade and melting different types of chocolate.


Comic Relief – Red Nose Day 2013

The children of Salhouse Primary School arrived in a sea of red this morning, armed with their £1 donation for Comic Relief! Fantastic effort by all and it helped raise £121.20! Well done! We also had a hilarious start to the school day with a ‘Comedy Show’ organised by Josh Carter, Lucy Conroy, Leah Collins, Alfee Eastman and Charlotted Wise-Slack from Grebes class. The school were treated to an array of funny acts, to mention a few: Miles Finley the stand up comedian, Extreme Ellis telling jokes and the Strictly Factor performing some very funny impressions. Thankyou to all those that took part in the comedy show and brought smiles to everyone.

Nature Club Spring Term 2013

So far this Spring term, we have played lots of predator/prey games indoors because of the bad weather and practised our bird identification skills. We have found out about hedgehogs and even eaten them – chocolate ones of course!


Assemblies 2012-13

Whole school Assemblies take place every day.  Already this term we have had several visitors to the school.  Besides regular visits from Rev Lorna Allies, the “Mad Scientist” has wowed us with some explosive experiments.

A new venture this year is whole school council meetings.  A year 6 child leads a “circle” of all ages to discuss a previously agreed topic within school and then reports to Mrs Edwards who relays the results at staff meetings.  Recent topics have been play ground games and use of hand gel before lunch.

Children are encouraged to take an active part in asemblies, and each week a group volunteers to present their own sketch/story or powerpoint .  This photo shows a reenactment of Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia, following the whole school topic of “Voyages”.  The theme was tolerance and friendship.


Children share their musical talents in assemblies. At Salhouse, they can learn violin, guitar, wind instruments, recorder and piano.

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Mrs Mutimer (our swimming coach) was a special guest at one of our assemblies- she carried the Olympic torch in Cromer, and brought it with her, so we could have our photos with it.


Crib Service

The whole school walked up to Salhouse All Saints Church, sang carols, listened to the Christmas story, lit the Advent candles and then placed the figures in the crib.

Primary Mathematics Challenge

The school took part in the Primary Mathematics Challenge again this year with many children from year 5 and 6 (and even a couple from year 4!) using their maths skills.

Nature Club Autumn 2012

Already  this term, Nature Club has made bug homes, harvested a secret crop of potatoes,  played the “ancient” game of conkers, (having learnt about horse chestnut trees,) made clay animals and eaten lot of biscuits.  We have done the last pond dip of the year – there are still tadpoles there! We are going to put on the pond net and plant some garlic and crocus bulbs when it stops raining…

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