Collective Worship – Ordinary Time

The liturgical colour for this time of year is green (‘Ordinary Time’ in the liturgical calendar) and Rev. Darleen’s stole looks like a green field full of sheep. We learned about how Jesus was a shepherd and His followers were the sheep, flocking to Him from all over.

Collective Worship – Holy Trinity

In this week’s Collective Worship, Rev. Darleen introduced the concept of the Holy Trinity using the image of a Jammy Dodger! Christians believe that God has three forms:

God the Fatherbecause we believe that God is the creator of everything and Lord over all the universe. 

God the Son because we believe that God chose to come to earth in human form as Jesus, the son of Mary. 

God the Holy Spirit because God shows His power in our daily lives.

Three forms but one God. Just like the biscuit, cream and jam of a Jammy Dodger!

Collective Worship – Pentecost

Today Rev. Darleen talked to us about waiting for Pentecost. Before his death on the cross, Jesus had told his followers to wait for the Holy Spirit to come, which happened 50 days after his death at the time of Pentecost. 

“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:1-4).

But before that happened, there was the waiting time. Rev. Darleen used the image of a traffic light to explain: when the light is green, it’s time to go; when the light is red, it’s time to stop and wait. And when the light turns amber, it’s time to get ready. We are close to Pentecost now – an amber light time!

Coronation Medals

Coronation medals awarded to every child by Salhouse Parish Council and class picnic to celebrate King Charles III. 

Norfolk County Music Festival

We took two musical groups to play at this year’s Norfolk County Music Festival: a Year 4/5/6 ukulele orchestra (with a few guitars and a keyboard) and our Salsa Band (veterans of two previous County Music Festivals). As you can see from the videos, the children were incredible. Salsa Band kicked off the show with a Latin medley, before our ukulele orchestra played three songs: ‘So What’ (by Miles Davis), ‘How Great Thou Art’ and ‘House of the Rising Sun/Amazing Grace’. 

This was a fantastic opportunity for the children and we are very grateful to our extended musical family: Mr Weitz, Salsa Band leader; Mrs Wright, our choir leader who worked on vocal harmonies; and Mr Bell from the Norfolk Music Hub who taught the children jazz improvisation on the ukulele.

Collective Worship 6.3.23

Mrs Church told the story of Jeremiah, an important Old Testament prophet, who was given a very difficult choice: stop telling people about God or else go to prison or even get hurt. What would you do? 

Children voted: Jeremiah should show Courage and Perseverance and continue to do what he believed was right, even though it was dangerous.

And that is exactly what Jeremiah did.

Mrs Church interviewed teachers and children with these three questions:

  1. From 1-10, how much do you think you persevere?
  2. Can you remember a time when you persevered and it had an impact on you or somebody else?
  3. What are you persevering with right now?

Mrs King has persevered in learning about her ancestry. Noah persevered in a tough football match. Daniil has persevered to learn six languages. (SIX!) How about you?

Collective Worship 23.2.23 – Home

Today Mrs Church led our Collective Worship on the theme of ‘Home’. It started off with a bluetit nest found in the Fledglings garden. These birds persevered for weeks to build the nest using little twigs as well as bits of thread, wool and human hair found in the garden. Children reflected on how you make a house into a home, before watching the new animation from Aardman Studios called ‘Home’. This is a very powerful film and children had a lot to say about it.

Jake: It got me thinking, it’s really hard to move, hard to be a circle when everyone is a triangle.

Indie: William the Conqueror brought a new language to this country, which is why French and English are quite similar sometimes. The triangle and the circle joining languages made me think about that.

Elodie: When the circle saw the picture she got sad because she had to leave her brother and dad behind.

Frankie: We need to make it easier for people to move when they are escaping danger.

Jack O: There was no one the same as the circle. But then he joined friends. He had lots of friends in the end.

Scarlett: It’s okay to be different.

Collective Worship 20.2.23 – Reverend Darleen – Lent

Today Reverend Darleen talked to the children about the festival of Lent, a 40-day period where Christians remember the time leading up to and including Jesus’s death. (Click here for more information.) We heard the story of Jesus in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Three times the Devil tempted Jesus to make bad choices, but each time he refused even though it would have made his life easier. Lent is a great time to think about the choices we make. Reverend Darleen said that we do not have to give up something – e.g. chocolate – for Lent just for the sake of it. “God doesn’t want you to be miserable!” It’s better to give something up for a purpose – e.g. give up time to help out at home. 

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