
This week in spelling, we have been learning what a prefix is. We have looked at the prefix ‘re’ and how it changes the meaning of the word.

Throughout the term, we have been developing strategies to help spell words. Today we played a game where we had to work out what word was on our hat and then write it down using the correct spelling.

It was a challenging way to learn the meanings of new words and spell them.

We had fun though!


Coots have been working hard on their writing based our class book ‘The Jolly Postman’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Coots have explored different writing genres such as letters and party invitations.

Phonics and reading

Coots’ readers are enjoying the Jolly Phonics books that link directly to the sounds being learnt in class using Jolly Classroom. They are enjoying the mix of fiction and non fiction Jolly Phonics books. 

Forest School, History and Art

Coots have been learning about Guy Fawkes and why people celebrate Bonfire night. They created their own firework display using recycled materials and paint. Coots also enjoyed a bonfire in forest school and ate yummy s’mores. 

Harvest Festival

Year one planning and writing a recount of harvest festival. Working hard on independence and using dictionaries to help with spellings.

Learning Group Sounds

Coots reception busy learning group 1 sounds. Working hard as a team and learning how to share and wait their turn.

Herons English 

As part of a non-fiction Writing focus, Herons have researched and written their own non-chronological reports on a theme of their choice. Animals was by far the most popular category, the children devising their own subheadings and thinking carefully how to present and show off their work. The results can be seen here and on our ‘achievement work’ display in the classroom. 

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