Coots Maths

Maths Jan 2024


Coots reception and year one follow the White Rose maths scheme.


Reception identifying and making shapes with 4 sides. 


Reception have been focusing on 1 more and 1 less in maths. They have also been ordering numbers to 10. Year 1 have been using part whole models to add and subtract up to 10. 

Making patterns 

Reception have been independently making patterns in maths. 

Coots have been focusing on 5

They have been working hard to count 5 objects and form the numbers 1 to 5. Lots of soaring on wings at 4 years old!

Herons Maths 

Year 5 Herons can be seen here working hard on furthering their understanding of decimals. They have been adding and subtracting decimals with up to two places and applying this to lots of reasoning and problem-solving questions. Since Year 6 have largely completed the Maths curriculum in the run-up to SATs, they can be seen going over their knowledge of decimals, fractions, percentages and ratio, and also using problem solving and reasoning to complete investigations on these areas. For this, they have been using the Maths website ‘Nrich,’ which is hosted by the University of Cambridge, as well as other interactive resources. Just look at the detail in their books and their determination to trial, improve and display the theories they have come up with!

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