Literacy in Bitterns

In Bitterns we have been learning all about traditional tales and fairy tales in literacy. The first story we looked at was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have enjoyed taking part in lots of drama activities and writing descriptions about the characters from the story. One day when we came into school we discovered our classroom was a crime scene and the evidence left was three bowls of porridge and a picture of a broken chair. We had lots of fun writing police reports about what we had discovered. 

Science (Year 1)

In science the Bitterns have continued to learn about materials and their properties. This week we focused our learning on waterproof materials. The children were trying to answer the question ‘Which would be the most suitable material to make an umbrella with.’ The children discussed how they could test the materials and ensure that all the tests were fair. We then work scientifically to record which materials were waterproof.

Bitterns Science

In Bitterns we have been learning about materials in science. This week we listened to the story of the The Three Little Pigs. We then carried out an investigation into ‘Which material would be most suitable for building the three little pigs a house’. To make this a fair test all the teams had a choice of two types of building materials and each house was wafted for 20 seconds.  The children worked collaboratively to create four completed houses which could be tested. We also discussed which of the houses might be waterproof. 

Bitterns Maths Plans

This is our Spring maths plan which outlines the content that the Bitterns will be learning each week within the spring term. Certain weeks might be switched around, extended or altered depending on the children’s learning and ability within a given area, however this should provide a good insight into the topic areas covered within the next term. 

Bitterns Bonfire Poetry

In Bitterns we have been writing bonfire poetry focusing on our senses. We were lucky enough to experience a bonfire within a forest school session alongside Herons class. This experience has helped us to be able to describe the sights, smells and sounds of a crackling bonfire when writing. We loved watching the fire with  one child commenting that the flames were ‘dancing’. 

World Mental Health Day

The Bitterns have had a wonderful day wearing yellow to support World Mental Health Day. We wore our most bright and sunny clothes to support such a brilliant cause. 

Bitterns Geography

In geography we have been learning about the United Kingdom. We all boarded our class bus and traveled to London where we saw lots of landmarks and famous places. We enjoyed watching the New Year’s Eve fireworks and listening to the national anthem. We even created our own maps of London and built some of the landmarks out of Lego. This week we boarded the bus again and headed to Scotland and Wales. We learnt about welsh traditional food, clothing and dancing. When visiting Scotland we listened to the bagpipes and looked at the kilts. We were especially keen to spot the Loch Ness Monster. 

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