In Bitterns Class we have started to learn about sculpture

In Bitterns Class we have started to learn about sculpture. This week we have been inspired by the work of Antony Gormley. We looked closely at his Field of clay figures and used clay to create our own sculptures in a similar style. For some of us this was our first experience using clay. 

Bitterns Science

During lockdown the children have been busy learning all about the weather. They have looked at different types of weather, created their own rain and wind gauges as well as observing the daily weather patterns. The children even transformed themselves into weather reporters. 

In Bitterns we have been studying land art

In Bitterns we have been studying land art. We have been particularly looking at the work of Andy Golsdworthy. Inspired by his work, we decided to make our own sculptures using natural materials collected from our school grounds. We worked hard in small groups to create these beautiful pieces of artwork. 

Bitterns Autumn 2020

In maths this month we have been learning all about money and measuring lengths. The children have particularly enjoyed buying items in the class shop, they were very good at recognising the coins and combining them to make different amounts. We have also been very busy measuring lengths.

Literacy this month has involved learning about non-fiction texts, we are excited to be producing our own non-fiction posters all about big machines.

In phonics we have continued to learn the phase three and five sounds.

In science we have been working towards achieving our “sense explorers” medals. To achieve these we have been completing five challenges each based around the five senses, we have tasted interesting foods, smelt different items, been on a sound walk and explored our sense of touch.

Our topic work has included learning all about the continents and oceans in geography, festivals in religious education and colour and printing in art. We have also really enjoyed comparing Victorian and modern day hospitals in history.

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