Robot Designs

Collaging paper to create texture for our robot designs. How detailed can you be using your scissor skills?

Making Silly Putty

As part of their work on exploring the properties of materials and forces, Kingfishers made silly putty. Throughout the activity, the properties of their mixture changed and they were challenged to think of words to describe the properties. With their successful putty, they explored which forces they needed to apply to change the shape.

It was great fun, if a little messy!!

If you want to have a go at home, you need 60ml of washing up liquid and 45g of cornflour.

Fledglings Winter

The children have been learning about Winter animals and their habitats, by discussing where they live, what they eat and exploring ice with their senses. The children have listened to the ice cracking and discovered how ice is formed. The children also learnt that salt makes ice melt quicker, and when the ice is melting, it goes see-through! 

We have enjoyed taking part in some observational painting, creating some wonderful penguins and polar bears! 

We have all been enjoying the fresh Winter sunshine whilst practising our hand-eye coordination, by throwing balls into our new net! It has been a wonderful opportunity for the children to take turns and share the balls. 

Herons RE

We celebrated Harvest with the whole school walking to the local church to give thanks, sing songs and say prayers.  Rev. Darleen also led our Christingle service at school . We rounded off the term with a performance of “Lights Camel Action” to tell the nativity story through songs and dance and remind ourselves and parents of the true meaning of Christmas.

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